The Inaugural Africa Urban Forum
The Mission was represented at "The Inaugural Africa Urban Forum under the theme: Transforming Africa through Sustainable Urbanisation" on 4-6, September 2024 at Adwa Victory Memorial Museum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Africa Urban Forum is a platform that promotes sustainable development in African Human Settlements, a platform through which governments collaborate to enhance African Cities enabling them to fulfill their potentials as centers of hope, growth and prosperity.
The Forum was established during the Fourth Ordinary Session on the Africa Union Special Technical Committee on Public Service, Local Government, Urban Development and Decentralization (AUSTC-8).
The event convened by Africa Union, Ethiopian Government and UN-Habitat brought together Key stakeholders to plan on how to use urbanization to bring about economic transformation on the African Continent as well as build momentum and an agenda for African Union to address issues of urbanization.
The Ugandan delegation led by Hon.Judith Nalule Nabakooba, Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development also doubling as the Chair of the AUSTC-8( Chief Organizer of the event) included officials from Ministry of Lands, Ministry of Public Service, Ministry of Local Government and Uganda Embassies in Addis Ababa and Nairobi.
The discussions at the Forum were structured around two themes including;
-Financing Urbanization for socioeconomic transformation and
-Sustainable and resilient Urban Development in Africa.
The Key outcomes of the event were;
i) An African Union declaration, Africa's position on sustainable Urban development to be communicated to the global community including at the upcoming 12th session of the World Urban Forum scheduled for 4-8 Nov 2024 in Cairo Egypt.
ii) More awareness was made about the Urban Agenda 2063 in Africa.
iii) Commitments were made to support the implementation of African Union Urban Development flagship projects.